
Admin features are only available in Skyrim Together Reborn version 1.7.0+

Admin privileges are automatically removed when leaving the server

Join as admin

The STServer.ini file includes a field called sAdminPassword in the [GameServer] section. You can set a password here that users need to enter in the Connect window to join as an admin. If you don't set a password, no one will be able to join as an admin. ex. sAdminPassword=password -> admin password = password

Add admin

You need access to the server console for this. Use the /AddAdmin command in the console to make a player an admin. If the player with the specified name isn’t found, you'll see a warning in the console. ex. /AddAdmin SkyrimTogether -> adds the player "SkyrimTogether" as an admin

Remove admin

Admin privileges are automatically revoked when the admin leaves the server

You need access to the server console for this. Use the /RemoveAdmin command in the console to make a player an admin. If the player with the specified name isn’t found, you'll see a warning in the console. ex. /RemoveAdmin SkyrimTogether -> removes admin privileges from player "SkyrimTogether"

Last updated